The Globe Theater and the London Eye

The new Globe was built in the 1990's. It is intended to be as close to the original as possible, no mics, no roof, and no seats for those close to the stage. Nevertheless, it would be amazing to see a play there. Actors are of the highest caliber because its performances are unique for reproducing the original experience.

Time, however, has run out for our Globe visit. Next we take a ride in the London Eye, the world's largest ferris wheel. There are plenty of pictures from the ride. Most of the city is visible from the top of the Eye since London has few tall buildings.
The rest of the day was devoted to shopping on Oxford Street. There is little to say about this, except that I finally bought a "Mind the Gap" t-shirt. Finally, we rode the Tube back to the hotel one last time, and now are preparing for the early flight to Amsterdam.
Here are today's pictures.